Who am I?

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28 year old Australian Traveller & Missionary. Spent the better part of 2012 saving money and planning to travel the globe. This is my journey.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

First ever blog entry - the decision.

It was a cold summers day. Yes - cold and summer - two words that should never be in the same sentence. I had just finished work and as I started my car the radio blasted at me. "Are you in your early 20's? Do you feel like every decision you make is deciding your future? Do you have your 10 year plan decided? Blah Blah Blah". This got me thinking. I walked into the shopping centre to do my usual weekly groceries and stopped to stare for a good 10 minutes at the huge world map on the window of the travel agent. That was it. I decided I'm going to live my dream of travelling the world.

 2013 was going to be my year around the world! 

This wasn't about partying around the world or just 'having a good time' ... I wanted to discover new cultures, languages, eat good food, try new things, meet new and wonderful people. Find God in his glorious creation, in the people and within me. I want to live for more then just the 9-5 mundane. I want to throw myself at this creation. Hike, climb, swim, fly, scooter, bike, train - anything and everything - around this wonderful globe we call home. I want to find me in the different cultures and countries and I want to capture it all with my words, photos and memories. I want to inspire my family, friends and people I meet to live for more! 

So I called my mum and told her I was becoming a nomad! A wanderer but in a more organised and purposed way.. 

This blog will be the story. It will begin with the planning and saving stages and will extend into the journey of a life time. 

Viva la Vida! 

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